  • "Promoting Wellbeing: A Path to a Healthier and Happier Life"
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn

    Strategies for Promoting well-being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

    Effective Head-to-Toe Wellness Tactics for a Healthy Life

    Living a healthy lifestyle may sound impractical to you right now.

    Even if you had time to foster your well-being, there’s endless information available on the web and it’s hard to know where to start.

    But there’s good news: believe it or not, you don’t need to make drastic changes to achieve a healthy lifestyle!

    Today, Herbal Green Popcorn shares some simple strategies to incorporate into your everyday life that will get you on track to better overall health!

    Walk More Often

    Walking is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your overall health.

    It’s a low-impact exercise that you can do anywhere at any time of the day. Walking regularly can greatly reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

    Set a daily step goal and gradually increase it each week. If you work in an office, take walking breaks every hour or try to walk to work if possible.

    Walking with a friend or furry companion can also be an excellent way to stay motivated and make it a fun activity!

    If you don’t live in a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood, try to find a nearby neighborhood with a high walk score.

    Having access to an area with a score of 70 or higher can make a big difference in your walking goals!

    Do HIIT a Few Times Per Week

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods.

    HIIT is an effective strategy for burning fat and building muscle in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional cardio.

    Incorporating HIIT into your weekly exercise routine can help you achieve your fitness goals faster.

    Start with two or three workouts per week, and gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.

    Keep Your Documents Organized

    Staying on top of your medical documents and files can be overwhelming.

    But keeping them organized can go a long way toward boosting your health. When you have easy access to medical records and insurance documents, you can make informed decisions about your health and ensure that you receive proper care.

    Make time to organize your medical files and records each month.

    Keep track of appointments, test results, and medication updates.

    Digital storage options can also be helpful, such as using a cloud-based storage system, or a personal health record app.

    Moreover, consider combining your medical files into one PDF document to help with your search for important information.

    With a PDF merging tool, you can easily join multiple files into the same document; you can then access the document from your computer or mobile device to share your medical information with a doctor or specialist.

    Consider Rehab if Necessary

    If you happen to be one of the millions of Americans who is currently struggling with addiction, help is available!

    And if cost is an issue, there are plenty of rehab centers in the US that are free. In addition to checking reviews, take some time to research different centers’ treatment options and philosophies.

    After all, when it comes to substance abuse treatment, the trickiest part is often finding a treatment option that fits with your personality and situation.

    Cook Nutritious Meals at Home

    Eating a nutritious diet is crucial to maintaining good health. Cooking at home can help you control the quality and portion size of your meals. It can also save you a lot of money and ease the temptation to eat fast food or processed meals.

    Start by planning your meals for the week and incorporating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques to keep your meals exciting and enjoyable.

    Take the Time To Decompress and Relax

    Stress can have an adverse effect on your physical and mental health. Taking the time to decompress and relax can greatly reduce your stress and give your overall well-being a much-needed boost. Look for relaxation techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

    Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are all effective ways to reduce stress.

    Find a quiet place to Relax And designate a specific time of day to practice relaxation techniques.

    Try to add a daily mindfulness practice to stay centered and focused throughout the day!


    Achieving a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated.

    You can incorporate simple strategies into your everyday life and take your health and well-being to new heights.

    Walking, doing HIIT, staying organized, cooking at home, getting some help if you need it, and implementing the other tactics in this article will all do wonders for your head-to-toe health.

    Start small, set attainable goals, and always prioritize your wellness!

    Herbal Green Popcorn is here to offer that healthy snack you’ve been looking for! Click here to browse our shop.

  • a healthy green snack with gourmet herbs and spices
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  whole grain

    Spirulina, Garlic, Basil & Turmeric

    It’s A Healthy Algae Twist on a Classic Delicacy

    In a world where convenience often trumps nutrition, finding snacks that are both delicious and good for you can be a challenge. But what if we told you there’s a way to elevate your snacking experience by infusing it with the power of nature? Introducing Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn – a delightful concoction that combines the crispy joy of popcorn with the health benefits of medicinal herbs. With ingredients like spirulina, garlic, basil, and turmeric, this herbal popcorn is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a boost for your well-being.

    Spirulina: Nature’s Nutrient Powerhouse

    One of the stars of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is spirulina, a microscopic blue-green algae that packs a serious nutritional punch. Bursting with protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, spirulina has been hailed as a superfood. Its vibrant green hue not only lends our popcorn a mesmerizing color but also adds a dose of essential nutrients. From promoting immune health to supporting detoxification, spirulina brings an array of health benefits to your snacking routine.

    Garlic: Flavorful and Functional

    Garlic isn’t just a kitchen staple; it’s also a potent medicinal herb. Known for its distinctive aroma and savory taste, garlic brings more than just flavor to Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has been linked to various health benefits, including heart health and immune support. By infusing garlic into our popcorn, we’re turning an ordinary snack into a savory and functional delight.

    Basil: A Touch of Freshness

    When it comes to herbs, basil stands out for its refreshing aroma and delightful taste. Beyond its culinary appeal, basil offers a range of potential health benefits. It’s a source of essential nutrients like vitamin K, and it possesses antibacterial properties. Incorporating basil into our popcorn not only adds a burst of flavor but also a touch of freshness that sets our snack apart.

    Turmeric: The Golden Spice of Wellness

    Turmeric has been celebrated for centuries for its vibrant color and potential health-promoting properties. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. By infusing our popcorn with turmeric, we’re not only creating a visually stunning treat but also harnessing the potential wellness benefits of this golden spice.

    How to Make Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn

    Creating your own batch of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is simple and rewarding. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:


    • Popcorn kernels
    • Olive oil (or your preferred cooking oil)
    • Spirulina powder
    • Garlic powder
    • Dried basil leaves (crushed)
    • Turmeric powder
    • Salt to taste


    1. Pop the popcorn kernels using your preferred method (stove, microwave, or popcorn maker).
    2. In a bowl, mix a small amount of olive oil with spirulina powder, garlic powder, crushed basil leaves, and turmeric powder to create a flavorful herb-infused oil.
    3. Drizzle the herb-infused oil over the popped popcorn and toss to coat evenly.
    4. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt for taste.
    5. Let the popcorn cool slightly before indulging in this unique herbal snack.

    In Conclusion

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is more than just a snack; it’s a celebration of the healing power of nature. By incorporating medicinal herbs like spirulina, garlic, basil, and turmeric, this green popcorn not only satisfies your cravings but also nurtures your body. So, the next time you’re looking for a wholesome and delicious snack, consider giving Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn a try. Your taste buds and your well-being will thank you!

  • azzizahs popcorn
    Herbal Green Popcorn

    Healthy Snacking in 2023: Nourish Your Body with Delicious Choices

    Healthy Snacking in 2023: Nourish Your Body with Delicious Choices

    Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, snacking has become an essential part of our daily lives. However, the concept of snacking has evolved over the years, with people now seeking healthier alternatives that provide both nutrition and satisfaction. In this blog, we will explore the exciting world of healthy snacking in 2023 and introduce you to a variety of delicious options that will nourish your body and keep you energized throughout the day.

    1. Embracing Whole Foods: One of the key trends in healthy snacking is the shift towards whole, unprocessed foods. Instead of reaching for pre-packaged snacks loaded with artificial ingredients, people are now gravitating towards natural options. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices for nutrient-rich snacking. They offer a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants while satisfying your cravings.
    2. Plant-Based Power: The rise of plant-based diets has influenced the snacking landscape as well. In 2023, you’ll find a plethora of plant-based snacks that cater to various dietary preferences, including vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian. From protein-rich chickpea snacks to kale chips and dairy-free yogurt cups made from almond or coconut milk, there are numerous plant-based options to enjoy guilt-free snacking.
    3. Mindful Eating: In 2023, people are placing greater emphasis on mindful eating, which extends to snacking habits as well. Mindful snacking involves being fully present and savoring each bite. This practice helps prevent mindless overeating and promotes a healthier relationship with food. Choose snacks that are not only nutritious but also offer a satisfying texture and taste, allowing you to enjoy them to the fullest.
    4. Functional Snacks: Functional snacks have gained popularity for their added health benefits. These snacks are designed to enhance specific aspects of your well-being, such as improving digestion, boosting energy, or supporting immune health. Examples include probiotic-rich yogurt, energy balls made with superfoods like chia seeds and matcha, and snack bars fortified with vitamins and minerals.
    5. DIY Snack Creations: Another trend in 2023 is the rise of DIY snack creations. People are increasingly taking control of their snacking choices by preparing their own snacks at home. This allows for customization and ensures that only wholesome ingredients are used. Get creative with homemade granola bars, trail mix with your favorite nuts and dried fruits, or even veggie-based snack wraps. Experimenting with different flavors and combinations is both fun and rewarding.
    6. Sustainable Snacking: As global awareness of environmental issues continues to grow, sustainable snacking has become a priority for many individuals. Brands are now offering eco-friendly packaging options, sourcing ingredients responsibly, and reducing food waste. When choosing snacks, opt for those that prioritize sustainability, such as products made from organic ingredients, recyclable packaging, or supporting fair trade practices.

    Conclusion: Healthy snacking in 2023 goes beyond mere sustenance; it’s about making conscious choices that nourish your body and support your overall well-being. Embrace the abundance of whole foods, explore plant-based options, practice mindful eating, and enjoy functional snacks that boost your health. Engage in DIY creations and embrace sustainable snacking practices for a truly fulfilling and guilt-free snacking experience. Remember, your snacking choices have the power to transform your health and enhance your daily life. So, why not indulge in a healthier and tastier snacking journey today?

  • variety pack cheddar popcorn
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    Shop Green Popcorn

    This delightful snack not only satisfies your taste buds but also supports your well-being. Here are some key benefits of buying herbal green popcorn:

    1. Delightful Taste: Herbal green popcorn offers a delightful combination of natural herbs and spices, which infuse each fluffy kernel with a burst of flavor. Whether you choose basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, or a blend of herbs, the result is a savory and aromatic treat that enhances the enjoyment of popcorn.
    2. Antioxidant-Rich Herbs: Many herbs used in herbal green popcorn are known for their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help combat free radicals in the body, which contribute to cell damage and aging. By incorporating these herbs into your snacking routine, you can potentially benefit from their protective effects on your health.
    3. Nutrient-Packed Snacking: Popcorn itself is a whole grain, providing dietary fiber and essential nutrients. When combined with herbal seasonings, the nutritional value of herbal green popcorn increases even further. The herbs used in the seasoning can offer additional vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that support overall well-being.
    4. Digestive Support: Certain herbs used in herbal green popcorn, such as basil and thyme, have been traditionally associated with digestive health benefits. They may aid in digestion, reduce bloating, and soothe the stomach. Enjoying herbal green popcorn can be a tasty way to incorporate these digestive-friendly herbs into your diet.
    5. Versatile and Customizable: Herbal green popcorn allows for versatility and customization. You can experiment with different herb combinations, adjust the seasoning to your taste preferences, and even explore adding other flavorful ingredients such as nutritional yeast or spices. This versatility ensures that you can enjoy a snack tailored to your individual palate.
    6. Guilt-Free Snacking: Herbal green popcorn offers a healthier alternative to many conventional snack options. It is typically prepared using natural herbs, without the need for artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. By choosing herbal green popcorn, you can indulge in a delicious snack while avoiding unnecessary additives and enjoying a guilt-free snacking experience.

    In conclusion, herbal green popcorn combines the deliciousness of popcorn with the benefits of natural herbs.

    With its unique flavors, antioxidant-rich properties, and potential digestive support, this snack offers a nutritious and satisfying option for those seeking a healthier snacking choice.

    Treat yourself to the delightful taste and enticing aroma of herbal green popcorn, and enjoy the benefits it brings to both your taste buds and your well-being.

    Ingredients: organic nutritional yeast, curry, organic turmeric, sweet basil, onion, garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper, organic spirulina, organic sunflower oil, organic lime and other herbs and spices

  • Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning

    “Healthier snack options for families, communities and the world”

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is an 100% vegan cheddar popcorn, made with spirulina and other real ingredients.

    Our herbal popcorn, recipes and blends are a result of a need for nutrients dense, vegan snacks while living in a food desert for many years.

    Another driving factor is our deep passion and love for offering healthier snack options

    for our families, communities and the world.

    You can trust and rely on us to deliver high quality and unbelievably delicious superfood popcorn.

    We use absolutely no strange chemicals created in a laboratory or fake cheese powder or artificial ingredients.

    With no exceptions, our herbal popcorn is always hot air popped with whole grain, non-GMO, organic popcorn kernels.

    Hot air popping is one of the healthiest ways to prepare popcorn because it doesn’t require any oil in the popping process.

    You can eat a larger serving of air-popped popcorn than you could of other snack foods, like chips, and still consume fewer calories because it’s very low in fat and calorie.

    We’re thankful for the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to seeing you in the superfood popcorn store

    If you’ve tried Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn and liked it, we’d really appreciate nothing more than for you to leave a review on amazon!

    Specialty Popcorn Flavors: Original Savory Cheddar and Smoked Cheddar & Lime.

  • Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  whole grain

    Spice of Life: The Inaugural Entry in Our Superfood Seasoning Collection

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn proudly unveils its latest superfood product, now accessible at herbalgreenpopcorn.com. We’ve received numerous requests for this addition over the years. In fact, some of you have inquired about the possibility of a 1:1 ratio blend of popcorn and spice in your bags.
    Your feedback has been crystal clear. We take pleasure in gratifying our devoted customers by including you in our discussions about what goes into your pantry. Prayers have been answered and we made a super special superfood seasoning.

    Elevate Your Tastebuds and Mind with This Superfood Seasoning

    Bringing the flavors from our spice rack to your kitchen, we present ‘Spice of Life’. Crafted with care and passion, we expertly blend, combine, and package to enhance the deliciousness of your food. This is an extensive procedure that results in a batch of vibrant, ultra-flavorful, savory superfood seasoning that is an essential addition to any pantry dedicated to wellness. Sprinkle ‘Spice of Life’ over freshly baked bread, use it to season grilled vegetables, or employ it in gourmet dishes. This blend contains cherished ingredients that elevate flavors and bring depth to your cooking.

    What’s In This Superfood Seasoning Blend?

    Combining genuine organic ingredients such as nutritional yeast, curry, turmeric, sweet basil, onion, smoked garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper, organic spirulina, and a touch of love, this blend is sumptuously delightful when sprinkled on your preferred pasta, popcorn, salad, poultry, fish, sauces, stews, and beyond. This blend is the seasoning on our Original Savory Cheddar popcorn. The same benefits you recieve from our popcorn can now be replicated in your favorite dishes.

    Nutritional Yeast

    A celebrated superfood renowned for its multifaceted health advantages, nutritional yeast is brimming with vital vitamins, minerals, and protein. A cornerstone for vegans and vegetarians, it presents a reservoir of vitamin B12, a nutrient often scarce in plant-based nutrition. Its inherent cheesy and umami notes elevate dish flavors while retaining their dairy-free essence. Furthermore, it boasts essential nutrients such as folic acid, zinc and selenium. These nutrients reinforce the immune system and promote overall health and vitality.


    Celebrated for its extraordinary flavor and adaptability, curry is not a singular spice but rather an amalgamation of diverse aromatic elements. The spice includes turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, and an array of other spices depending on the region. The striking, golden color of curry predominantly owes its vibrancy to turmeric, renowned for its well-documented health advantages. In addition to its enticing taste, curry is believed to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This aromatic spice is nothing short of a culinary chameleon.


    Frequently denoted as the “golden spice,” turmeric is a highly esteemed and vivid rhizome celebrated for its health advantages and culinary adaptability. This yellow-hued spice serves as the predominant ingredient responsible for the coloration of curry and mustard. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant attributes are the very reasons we accentuate its presence in our spice blends, enhancing their potency. Turmeric boasts a storied history in traditional medicine, treasured for its potential to alleviate a spectrum of health issues and foster overall wellness.

    Sweet Basil

    Frequently hailed as the “king of herbs,” sweet basil stands as a cherished and aromatic member of the mint family. Esteemed for its exceptional taste and culinary adaptability, its vibrant green leaves grace kitchens around the globe. Additionally, sweet basil offers an array of health advantages, encompassing anti-inflammatory qualities and potential antioxidant benefits. Its aromatic foliage, laden with essential oils and vital nutrients, imparts an undeniable freshness to dishes like salads, sauces, soups, and numerous other culinary creations.


    This pungent yet essential kitchen staple plays an integral role in global cuisines. With their distinctive aroma and sharp flavor, onions bring depth and complexity to a dish. Beyond how they are culinary wise, they are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may contribute to overall well-being. Whether served on salads, cooked in soups, or blended into sauces, onions hold a special place in kitchens worldwide.


    Garlic, that aromatic bulb, stands as a cherished culinary gem renowned for its unparalleled and robust flavor. It imparts richness and vigor to a wide array of global dishes, and it’s prized for its potential health benefits, notably containing allicin, a compound recognized for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes. Much like turmeric, garlic has enjoyed a historical role in traditional medicine. Within our ‘Spice of Life’ blend, garlic contributes its distinctive punch, elevating the blend’s savory and intricate flavor profile.

    Sea Salt

    A crystalline treasure harvested from ocean waters. Revered for its pure, briny essence, sea salt flavors like no other. Unlike refined table salt, sea salt retains its natural minerals and trace elements, lending a unique depth of flavor to dishes. Celebrated for health benefits, containing essential minerals like magnesium and potassium our sea salt is all natural with no additives.

    Cayenne Pepper

    Vibrant and fiery, cayenne pepper delivers a complex and intense spice that many of us have experienced. Originating from chili peppers, and renowned for its bold and invigorating heat, courtesy of capsaicin, a potent compound that not only imparts its fiery kick but also carries potential health advantages. Cayenne pepper revs up metabolism, assists in weight management, and even serves as a topical pain reliever. Its robust flavor elevates an extensive array of dishes, introducing a spicy zest to soups, stews, marinades, and sauces, offering an exciting culinary dimension to our meals.


    Lastly, our prized jewel “Superfood From the Sea” a remarkable blue-green algae that has captivated the health and nutrition world. Packed with essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and antioxidants, spirulina offers a wealth of health benefits. Consume and you will experience a boost to your immune system, improve endurance, and detoxify the body due to its rich chlorophyll content. The algae plays a role in supporting heart health and managing blood sugar levels. Additionally, spirulina is eco-friendly and sustainable, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious individuals who care about the environment. Consumed primarily as a dietary supplement, being incorporated into snacks, savory dishes and even smoothies is how a lot of people choose to enjoy this superfood algae.

    ‘Spice of Life’ is gluten free, vegan-friendly, and has no artificial flavors or MSG. We hope you enjoy this greatly asked for superfood seasoning. Azzizah’s ‘Spice of Life‘ is a plethora of seasoning perfection that makes for the best flavors on earth and a taste to be craved. The more ‘Spice of Life’ you use, the more irresistible it becomes.

    We source only the best ingredients and use high-quality herbs and spices.

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  • herbal green popcorn
    Herbal Green Popcorn

    A new standard for snacking with Herbal Green Spirulina Popcorn

    At Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn, we’re setting a new standard for snacking with delicious superfood popcorn and popcorn spice blends.

    We believe “you are what you eat”. We pride ourselves in using only the best ingredients to help nourish our bodies.

    We feel it is important to have food (including snacks) that is fuel.

    We’re dedicated to providing you with a snack that can energize you to function as your optimal self.

    We believe in creating balance not just in the body but in our mind and diet. Better health is central to human happiness and well-being.

    You should take your health into account with all aspects of your life, even the fleeting snacking moments.

    We believe snacking should be fun! You should enjoy every moment one delicious piece of popcorn at a time.

    Check out this feature of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn in VegOut Magazine.

    herbal green popcorn

    Enjoy a bag of Savory Cheddar of Smoked Cheddar & Lime with a euphoric dose of delightful bite. CBD can have many positive effects including making you feel relaxed.  Although CBD can feel a bit like a high, it’s not intoxicating, and our popcorn is 100% THC free. Research suggests CBD is beneficial for relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try our new CBD-Infused Combo Pack.

  • healthy snacks made with spirulina and other superfoods
    good source of fiber,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  smartfood popcorn

    Snack Happy, Snack Green!

    Experience the joy of guilt-free snacking with Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. This extraordinary snack embodies the slogan “Snack Happy, Snack Green” perfectly. With a commitment to quality and a blend of superfoods like spirulina and organic ingredients, it’s not just a snack; it’s a wholesome delight. Packed with nutrients and brimming with flavors, every bite is a celebration of both taste and health. So, why settle for ordinary snacks when you can “Snack Happy, Snack Green” with Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn?

  • Our Founder
    Herbal Green Popcorn

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn | Giving Broadly


    I was honestly hungry, and the kids needed a quick and tasty snack. I’m not the kind of mother who feeds her children preservative-laden foods, so I used

    the staples in my kitchen cabinet. The idea to add spirulina came because it was colorful, which the children liked; and it allowed me to sneak in a high-

    nutrition superfood without them ever knowing.

    We sold our tasty snack at festivals in Los Angeles, mainly in Leimert Park where we operated a storefront on Leimert Boulevard. Herbal Green Popcorn

    launched in health food stores in spring of 2014. My daughter, Moona, is the angel of my business; she wears many hats from assistant to manager to

    accounting, she has done it all. Her focus and tenacity are my inspiration every day. I mean, she’s really a beast when it comes to managing the business.


    I hot-air popped organic kernels on the stove top, and it was a hit. At the time I lived in a communal living space for musicians, and we often had lots of

    visitors. Everyone who tasted it loved it.


    I have considered throwing in the towel countless times. Thankfully, I surround myself with people who remind me of who I am and what I’ve come to do.

    As difficult as it may have become for me as a small business owner, giving up has never been an option. Being a quitter is not in my DNA.


    In my early 20s, I became a licensed massage therapist and created essential oil whipped shea butter to incorporate into my body work therapy practice. I

    did pregnancy massage, hospice care, grievance massage and just general relaxation. It was then that I realized that I wanted to provide a service or

    product for healing. 


    My family is always on my mind as I experience the peaks and valleys of owning a growing business. My goal is to create opportunities and the multi-

    generational wealth that they deserve.


    — Read on www.givingbroadly.com/azzizahs-herbal-green-popcorn/


    Join our snack family by subscribing to our email list. You’ll receive first dibs on exclusive promotions and giveaways. Happy Snacking!

  • Herbal Green Popcorn

    Adrienne Bailon Reveals How She Lost 20 Pounds – The NEXD

    Adrienne-Bailon-reveals-how-she-lost-20-pounds-with Herbal Green Popcorn on her YouTube channel ‘All Things Adrienne’. 

    Here’s how preparing for The Masked Singer helped her lose weight in three months. 

    Bailon, 36, whose YouTube channel boasts almost 900,000 subscribers, said at the beginning of her video she recalled looking in the mirror and having a

    conversation with herself about her lifestyle.

    “I looked at myself at the top of the summer and looked at myself in the mirror and was like, ‘What are the things I want to change?’” 

    She continued“I wanted [my weight loss journey] to be a lifestyle.

    I gave myself all of these goals and deadlines that I had to make.

    My goal was getting to 105 pounds, and I was willing to do that in three months.”

    The Real co-host went into detail about cutting out refined carbs such as white bread and pasta.

    “I do not eat bread, I do not eat pasta, I do not eat anything that is white refined carbs.

    Like that’s just not good for me.”

    In addition to making her feel sluggish, she admits that eating them filled her up quickly but provided her no nutritional value.

    She instead says she eats Ezekiel bread and rice cakes.

    Bailon also shared her meals in a day.

    For breakfast she would have oatmeal topped with blueberries or an avocado spread with Ezekiel bread or on a rice cake. 

    Adrienne would also have pumpkin True Protein shakes in the morning.

    For lunch she would eat huge salads with avocado and arugula with chopped peppers. 

    For a snack she would munch on some nuts and Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. 

    For dinner she would have vegan chili or lentil soup with veggies on the side.

    “I was obsessed with veggies—we are talking—literally I would make myself

    vegan chili like a huge pot of beans,” she said. “I love lentil soup—oh my god lentil soup blesses my soul.”

    On the side she would add either roasted mushrooms, sautéed kale or steamed broccoli.

    Bailon would also drink a gallon of water a day, saying that it helped curb her cravings.

    “When I would chug the water, I would feel full even though I had just eaten.”

    “You know when you finish like a healthy meal and you’re like ‘but I’m still hungry,’ I’ve been there. Drink water, drink hot water with lemon that is the key.”

    In addition to her vegan diet, she would do 45 minutes on the elliptical in the morning and in the evening.

    “The days we were actually performing were 4 days out of the week and I would not do weights on those days because there’s nothing worse than trying to

    perform and you’re sore,” Adding, “the other three days that I was off those were the days that I would work out.

    An app I would use was eight fits.” Eight fit is an app that allows you to do workouts at home.

    She would complete two of the workouts a day with her husband Israel Houghton.

    She also revealed she did not eat out and eliminated alcohol from her diet.

    Watch her full video below 

    — Read on www.thenexd.com/adrienne-bailon-reveals-how-she-lost-20-pounds/