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9 Healthy Living Habits That Save You Money

Whether you’re a working professional with ample disposable income or a college student on a limited budget, a healthy lifestyle can be affordable and accessible. Today, Herbal Green Popcorn outlines nine healthy habits that can boost your wellness and leave extra money in your bank account.

1. Bike or Walk to Work

Depending on where you live, you may be able to walk or bike to many locations and save hundreds of dollars per year on gas while burning tons of calories. For longer distances, take public transportation and walk or bike to your stop or station. When you do have to drive, park further away to squeeze in an extra walk from your car to your destination.

2. Cook Meals at Home

Dining out costs more than you may realize. Money Under 30 reports a recent study that the average American household spends around $3,000 dining out every year. Homemade meals cost a fraction of this and they typically contain more wholesome ingredients. Preparing meals yourself gives you greater control over the quantity and quality of what you consume. If you’re not particularly skilled in the kitchen, start with one or two easy meal recipes made with few ingredients. After some time, you’ll start to notice your food expenses decrease.

3. Stick to a Grocery List

Stay within your grocery budget limits by using a shopping list. Check your local stores for weekly deals and coupons. Start with simple menu planning, verify what ingredients you already have, and add the rest to your list. Be sure that you’re including Herbal Green Popcorn superfood!

To save even more, purchase non-perishable goods in bulk. Shop for fruits and vegetables when they’re in season and available at their lowest price. Local farmers markets are great places to find your produce, so look for some in your area. Plus, you’ll be supporting local entrepreneurs, too!

4. Cultivate a Green Thumb

Growing your own food gives continuous access to fresh, nutritious ingredients at a minimal cost. In addition, gardening provides mental health benefits such as increased resilience and improved mood. Beginner gardeners can start with plants like tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries, which are some of the easiest foods to grow.

5. Drink More Water

Health experts commonly recommend drinking eight glasses daily, but this varies based on activity level, weight, and sex. Regardless, staying hydrated is crucial to your body’s ability to function.

Because caffeine has diuretic properties, you should be mindful of how much you’re consuming on a daily basis. If you like espresso drinks, you may be surprised to learn that blonde espresso is more caffeinated than traditional espresso. Try switching to traditional espresso drinks and see if it improves your hydration.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Eight also represents the hours of sleep the average adult needs. The quality of your sleep is just as crucial. Get restful sleep by powering down devices well before bedtime. Adjust light, sound, and temperature to optimal levels. Keep consistent bedtimes and wake-up times.

7. Exercise Anywhere But the Gym

Instead of a pricey gym membership, use your surroundings to engage in physical activity. Exercises like planks and sit-ups can be done anywhere. Nature, with its trails, boulders, and fallen logs, is an ideal setting for a workout. If you’re exercising at home, you’ll want to keep your floors free of dirt, dust, and pet fur. A stick vacuum is an easy way to stay on top of your cleaning, and you can find great deals if you read through online reviews.

8. Enjoy Free Entertainment

Many towns sponsor complimentary activities such as outdoor movie nights and music festivals. See what your town offers or create your own fun!

9. Share Your Passion for Wellness (and Start a Business)

You can build a side gig or a whole new career based on your commitment to healthy living. Become a nutrition consultant or a personal trainer. Earn money online by writing an affiliate marketing blog. Choose a path that capitalizes on your interests and skill set.

Utilize free web resources that can guide you through the process of launching a successful business. Online classes can walk you through the basics from business plans to financials. And there are dozens of great tools to help with your marketing, from websites to social media. For instance, if you’d like to put out brochures to spread the word about your business, give this tool a look and take advantage of all the free, customizable templates. It’s easier than ever to make useful promotional materials for your business.

Live Your Budget-Conscious Life

Developing healthy, money-saving habits now can sustain your health and finances in the future. Focus on gradual changes, building one habit at a time. Who knows, you may even be able to monetize your new healthy habits and start a business! Whatever combination of things you choose, stick with it. You’ll be surprised how good you feel and how much money you save.

For delicious low-calorie, nutrition-packed snacks, shop Herbal Green Popcorn today!