

Perfectly and generously coated, Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is like a gourmet version of Smartfood popcorn you’d get in the grocery stores. Nicely popped and seasoned and the classic you’d set out for holiday gatherings. Preservative free, gluten free, non-GMO, dairy free and nut free, organic and vegan. Herbal Green Popcorn is the perfect snack to add to your weight loss regime. Nothing beats crowd pleasing snacks from Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. Always hot air popped and packed fresh with high quality and thoughtfully sourced ingredients. Challenge your tastebuds with a tempting variety of savory and timeless flavors. Specialty Popcorn FlavorsOriginal Savory Cheddar and Smoked Cheddar & Lime. 

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    The Nutrient-Dense Power of Superfood Popcorn & Seasoning

    A Nutrient-Dense Must-Have for Every American Kitchen:

    Superfood popcorn and superfood seasoning have emerged as an exciting and health-conscious addition to American kitchens. These innovative products offer a delicious and nutrient-dense alternative to traditional snacks and seasonings, making them an excellent choice for every household.

    Superfood Popcorn: Superfood popcorn is not your typical movie night snack. Popped, seasoned and shaked with whole-grain, non-GMO popcorn kernels that are air-popped, preserving their natural goodness. What sets it apart is the infusion of nutrient-rich ingredients that elevate its nutritional profile. With ingredients like turmeric, spirulina, and nutritional yeast this superfood popcorn, offers a plethora of health benefits.

    Key Benefits of Superfood Popcorn:

    1. Nutrient-Dense: Crafted with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to overall health and well-being.
    2. Fiber-Rich: The whole-grain base provides ample dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness.
    3. Satisfying Crunch: It offers a satisfying crunch, making it a guilt-free alternative to traditional, calorie-dense snacks.
    4. Flavor Variety: Superfood popcorn comes in a range of unique flavors, catering to different taste preferences.
    5. Low-Calorie: It’s a low-calorie snack that satisfies cravings without compromising health goals.

    Nutrient-Dense Superfood Seasoning:

    Superfood seasoning complements superfood popcorn or any dish with a burst of flavor and nutrition. Hand-crafted using a blend of nutrient-rich ingredients, such as herbs, spices, seeds, and superfood powders. They are designed to enhance the taste of meals while adding a substantial health boost.

    Key Benefits of Superfood Seasoning:

    1. Flavor Enhancement: Superfood seasonings add depth and complexity to dishes, making healthy eating more enjoyable.
    2. Nutrient Boost: They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, enhancing the nutritional value of any meal.
    3. Versatility: Superfood seasonings can be used on a wide range of foods, from roasted vegetables to grilled meats and even popcorn.
    4. Convenient: They are a convenient way to incorporate superfoods into everyday cooking, saving time and effort.
    5. Dietary Flexibility: Superfood seasonings are often gluten-free, vegan, and free from artificial additives, catering to various dietary preferences.

    Why These Should Be Staples in Every American Kitchen:

    1. Health Consciousness: As Americans increasingly prioritize health and wellness, superfood popcorn and seasoning provide a convenient and delicious way to incorporate nutrient-rich superfoods into their diets.
    2. Flavorful Eating: Superfood seasonings enhance the flavors of everyday dishes, making healthy eating more appealing to both adults and children.
    3. Nutrient Density: These products offer a higher concentration of essential nutrients, contributing to overall health, immunity, and vitality.
    4. Versatility: Superfood popcorn can serve as a wholesome snack or a fun addition to gatherings, while superfood seasoning elevates the taste of various meals, from salads to grilled proteins.
    5. Convenience: With busy lifestyles, having convenient and nutritious options at hand is crucial, and these products fit the bill perfectly.

    In conclusion, Azzizah’s Herbal green popcorn and superfood seasoning are emerging as transformative staples in American kitchens, aligning with the nation’s growing emphasis on health-conscious eating. These products offer a delightful blend of taste and nutrition, making them an essential addition for families and individuals striving for a healthier and more flavorful culinary experience.

  • Here are some actionable steps from Azzizah's Herbal Green Popcorn to help reduce stress, improve your well-being, advance your career, and reach your personal and professional goals.
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  whole grain

    Overcoming Daily Demands: Ways Towards Achieving Your Best Life

    Life’s daily demands can often overshadow our broader dreams and aspirations. However, by implementing a few targeted changes, you can begin to live your best life today. Here are some actionable steps from Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn to help reduce stress, improve your well-being, advance your career, and reach your personal and professional goals.

    Transform Chaos into Order

    A simple yet significant step towards reducing stress is organizing your children’s rooms. A clutter-free environment often leads to a less cluttered mind, creating a sense of tranquility and order that can positively impact your whole household.

    Get your children involved, turning it into a fun-filled game. Who can organize their toys the quickest? Who can donate the most unused items? This not only results in a more orderly home but also instills in your children valuable lessons about cleanliness, charity, and responsibility. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for quality family bonding time, making the mundane task of cleaning an enjoyable and educational experience.

    Eat – and Snack on – Healthy Foods

    The old adage “you are what you eat” holds a lot of truth. And how we feel depends on what we put in our bodies. So if you want to feel your best on all levels, make healthier choices when it comes to meals, beverages, and snacks. Start cooking at home more often and opt for whole foods whenever possible. And swap out some of your sugary snacks for Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. It’s a superfood disguised as a tasty treat!

    Reevaluate Your Financial Habits

    Financial stability plays a crucial role in living your best life. Take a moment to analyze your financial situation critically. Are you saving as much as possible? Are there areas where you could cut back on expenses? Making minor changes, such as brewing coffee at home instead of purchasing it daily or opting for less expensive brands, can accumulate significant savings over time.

    Consider using budgeting apps or seeking advice from a financial advisor to guide you through this process. These tools and professionals can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you maximize your savings and secure a financially stable future.

    Embark on a Fitness Journey

    Physical health is an essential component of overall well-being and a key factor in achieving your best life. Starting a fitness routine doesn’t necessitate spending exhaustive hours in a gym. It could be as straightforward as taking a brisk walk during lunch breaks, practicing yoga before bedtime, or dancing to your favorite music in your living room. Find an activity that you enjoy, and make it part of your daily routine. Regular exercise can significantly boost your mood, increase your energy levels, improve your cognitive function, and contribute to your long-term health and longevity.

    Support Your Career Aspirations with Education

    Take some time to reflect on your current job and consider how well it aligns with your long-term career aspirations. Is your job fulfilling? Does it contribute to your broader career goals? If not, it might be time to explore new opportunities. 

    Ask yourself if an online bachelor of education degree to further your career. If so, check out programs that offer flexible course scheduling so you can complete the degree in your own time. A strategic career move can not only increase job satisfaction but also accelerate your path toward achieving your professional goals.

    Cultivating Your Creativity

    Hobbies serve multiple purposes; they’re not just for relaxation. They can enrich your life, stimulate creativity, provide a stress outlet, and even lead to new opportunities. Whether it’s painting, gardening, coding, or playing a musical instrument, hobbies can offer a sense of accomplishment and joy. Furthermore, consistently engaging in a hobby can lead to mastery of a new skill, potentially opening doors to new avenues, including turning a passion project into a profitable side venture.

    Explore an Entrepreneurial Path

    Have you ever pondered being at the helm of your own enterprise? If so, now could be the perfect time to explore the path of entrepreneurship. Start your business journey by laying out a detailed business plan, delving into extensive market research, and devising an enticing marketing strategy.

    The entrepreneurial journey is one of constant learning and adaptation, but it holds the promise of immense personal contentment and substantial financial returns. It empowers you with the freedom to craft your own future, bring innovative ideas to life, and make a positive impact on society. So, check this out and take the leap into the exciting world of entrepreneurship.

    Create the Life You Want

    Living your best life isn’t a destination but a journey. By implementing small, consistent changes, you can reduce stress, improve your health, achieve your career goals, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling and rewarding life. The road to self-improvement and achieving your best life starts today — take the first step!

  • "Promoting Wellbeing: A Path to a Healthier and Happier Life"
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn

    Strategies for Promoting well-being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

    Effective Head-to-Toe Wellness Tactics for a Healthy Life

    Living a healthy lifestyle may sound impractical to you right now.

    Even if you had time to foster your well-being, there’s endless information available on the web and it’s hard to know where to start.

    But there’s good news: believe it or not, you don’t need to make drastic changes to achieve a healthy lifestyle!

    Today, Herbal Green Popcorn shares some simple strategies to incorporate into your everyday life that will get you on track to better overall health!

    Walk More Often

    Walking is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your overall health.

    It’s a low-impact exercise that you can do anywhere at any time of the day. Walking regularly can greatly reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

    Set a daily step goal and gradually increase it each week. If you work in an office, take walking breaks every hour or try to walk to work if possible.

    Walking with a friend or furry companion can also be an excellent way to stay motivated and make it a fun activity!

    If you don’t live in a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood, try to find a nearby neighborhood with a high walk score.

    Having access to an area with a score of 70 or higher can make a big difference in your walking goals!

    Do HIIT a Few Times Per Week

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods.

    HIIT is an effective strategy for burning fat and building muscle in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional cardio.

    Incorporating HIIT into your weekly exercise routine can help you achieve your fitness goals faster.

    Start with two or three workouts per week, and gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.

    Keep Your Documents Organized

    Staying on top of your medical documents and files can be overwhelming.

    But keeping them organized can go a long way toward boosting your health. When you have easy access to medical records and insurance documents, you can make informed decisions about your health and ensure that you receive proper care.

    Make time to organize your medical files and records each month.

    Keep track of appointments, test results, and medication updates.

    Digital storage options can also be helpful, such as using a cloud-based storage system, or a personal health record app.

    Moreover, consider combining your medical files into one PDF document to help with your search for important information.

    With a PDF merging tool, you can easily join multiple files into the same document; you can then access the document from your computer or mobile device to share your medical information with a doctor or specialist.

    Consider Rehab if Necessary

    If you happen to be one of the millions of Americans who is currently struggling with addiction, help is available!

    And if cost is an issue, there are plenty of rehab centers in the US that are free. In addition to checking reviews, take some time to research different centers’ treatment options and philosophies.

    After all, when it comes to substance abuse treatment, the trickiest part is often finding a treatment option that fits with your personality and situation.

    Cook Nutritious Meals at Home

    Eating a nutritious diet is crucial to maintaining good health. Cooking at home can help you control the quality and portion size of your meals. It can also save you a lot of money and ease the temptation to eat fast food or processed meals.

    Start by planning your meals for the week and incorporating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques to keep your meals exciting and enjoyable.

    Take the Time To Decompress and Relax

    Stress can have an adverse effect on your physical and mental health. Taking the time to decompress and relax can greatly reduce your stress and give your overall well-being a much-needed boost. Look for relaxation techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

    Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are all effective ways to reduce stress.

    Find a quiet place to Relax And designate a specific time of day to practice relaxation techniques.

    Try to add a daily mindfulness practice to stay centered and focused throughout the day!


    Achieving a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated.

    You can incorporate simple strategies into your everyday life and take your health and well-being to new heights.

    Walking, doing HIIT, staying organized, cooking at home, getting some help if you need it, and implementing the other tactics in this article will all do wonders for your head-to-toe health.

    Start small, set attainable goals, and always prioritize your wellness!

    Herbal Green Popcorn is here to offer that healthy snack you’ve been looking for! Click here to browse our shop.

  • superfood seasoning-a healthy and flavorful addition to your meals
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  whole grain

    Superfood Spice Blend

    In a world where snacking reigns supreme, popcorn has consistently occupied a unique niche. It serves as the ideal canvas for an array of flavors, and with a dash of innovation, it can metamorphose into a gourmet sensation. But can you imagine a superfood spice blend that elevates your snacking journey to an entirely different realm?

    Say hello to ‘Spice of Life’ Spice Blend – a unique concoction of superfoods, gourmet herbs, and spices that promises not just to tantalize your taste buds but also nourish your body.

    The Art of Crafting ‘Spice of Life’

    Our ‘Spice of Life’ Superfood Spice Blend was in high demand, with numerous requests from our valued customers for the same seasoning we use on our Original Savory Cheddar popcorn. In response to your requests, we’ve made it available to you.

    Here’s a peek into what goes into crafting this exceptional spice blend:

    1. Superfoods Galore: In Azzizah’s blend, a variety of superfoods takes the spotlight, each carefully selected for its distinct health advantages. Among the standout ingredients are turmeric, spirulina, and basil. These superfoods are brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, transforming your popcorn into not just a delicious indulgence but also a nutritional powerhouse.
    2. Gourmet Herbs and Spices: Our blend showcases top-tier components such as lime, garlic, curry, and a touch of cayenne pepper. These herbs not only elevate the flavor but also contribute their unique health advantages to the blend.
    3. No Artificial Additives: We take pride in maintaining the purity of our seasoning by excluding any artificial additives, preservatives, or MSG. It’s entirely vegan, gluten-free, and accommodates various dietary preferences.

    The Flavorful Symphony

    Now, let’s delve into the taste!

    ‘Spice of Life’ Spice Blend delivers a delightful equilibrium of savory and herbal nuances. The earthiness of turmeric mingles with the umami richness of spirulina. A blend of onion, nutritional yeast, and sweet basil bestows a gourmet touch that elevates your popcorn to unprecedented heights.

    While the cayenne pepper offers a subtle warmth, it maintains an irresistible allure that keeps you craving for more. This flavor profile is truly distinctive, scrumptious, and utterly captivating.

    Health Benefits That Pop

    What sets Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn apart is its commitment to wellness. Every ingredient in this blend serves a purpose:

    1. Nutrient-Rich Superfoods: Kale, spirulina, and moringa are renowned for their high nutrient content. They provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and vitality.
    2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Herbs like rosemary and thyme are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
    3. Metabolism Boost: Cayenne pepper is a metabolism booster, helping you burn calories more efficiently.
    4. Antioxidant Power: The combination of herbs and superfoods in this blend delivers a potent dose of antioxidants.

    A Snack You Can Feel Good About

    In a snacking landscape where flavor often takes precedence over health, ‘Spice of Life’ Superfood Spice Blend emerges as a breath of fresh air.

    It demonstrates that you can indeed have the best of both worlds – a delectable snack and a nourishing experience.

    So, whether you’re gearing up for a movie night, seeking a quick nibble, or craving a gourmet treat, make ‘Spice of Life’ Superfood Spice Blend your go-to choice.

    Embark on a delicious journey through the realm of superfoods and gourmet herbs.

    Bid farewell to guilt and usher in a healthier, more delightful approach to snacking.

    Remember, Azzizah’s spice blend isn’t just seasoning; it embodies the essence of mindful snacking. Relish the flavors, relish the benefits, and embrace the joy of snacking. Your taste buds and your body will express their gratitude!

  • a healthy green snack with gourmet herbs and spices
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  whole grain

    Spirulina, Garlic, Basil & Turmeric

    It’s A Healthy Algae Twist on a Classic Delicacy

    In a world where convenience often trumps nutrition, finding snacks that are both delicious and good for you can be a challenge. But what if we told you there’s a way to elevate your snacking experience by infusing it with the power of nature? Introducing Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn – a delightful concoction that combines the crispy joy of popcorn with the health benefits of medicinal herbs. With ingredients like spirulina, garlic, basil, and turmeric, this herbal popcorn is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a boost for your well-being.

    Spirulina: Nature’s Nutrient Powerhouse

    One of the stars of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is spirulina, a microscopic blue-green algae that packs a serious nutritional punch. Bursting with protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, spirulina has been hailed as a superfood. Its vibrant green hue not only lends our popcorn a mesmerizing color but also adds a dose of essential nutrients. From promoting immune health to supporting detoxification, spirulina brings an array of health benefits to your snacking routine.

    Garlic: Flavorful and Functional

    Garlic isn’t just a kitchen staple; it’s also a potent medicinal herb. Known for its distinctive aroma and savory taste, garlic brings more than just flavor to Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn. Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has been linked to various health benefits, including heart health and immune support. By infusing garlic into our popcorn, we’re turning an ordinary snack into a savory and functional delight.

    Basil: A Touch of Freshness

    When it comes to herbs, basil stands out for its refreshing aroma and delightful taste. Beyond its culinary appeal, basil offers a range of potential health benefits. It’s a source of essential nutrients like vitamin K, and it possesses antibacterial properties. Incorporating basil into our popcorn not only adds a burst of flavor but also a touch of freshness that sets our snack apart.

    Turmeric: The Golden Spice of Wellness

    Turmeric has been celebrated for centuries for its vibrant color and potential health-promoting properties. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. By infusing our popcorn with turmeric, we’re not only creating a visually stunning treat but also harnessing the potential wellness benefits of this golden spice.

    How to Make Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn

    Creating your own batch of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is simple and rewarding. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:


    • Popcorn kernels
    • Olive oil (or your preferred cooking oil)
    • Spirulina powder
    • Garlic powder
    • Dried basil leaves (crushed)
    • Turmeric powder
    • Salt to taste


    1. Pop the popcorn kernels using your preferred method (stove, microwave, or popcorn maker).
    2. In a bowl, mix a small amount of olive oil with spirulina powder, garlic powder, crushed basil leaves, and turmeric powder to create a flavorful herb-infused oil.
    3. Drizzle the herb-infused oil over the popped popcorn and toss to coat evenly.
    4. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt for taste.
    5. Let the popcorn cool slightly before indulging in this unique herbal snack.

    In Conclusion

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is more than just a snack; it’s a celebration of the healing power of nature. By incorporating medicinal herbs like spirulina, garlic, basil, and turmeric, this green popcorn not only satisfies your cravings but also nurtures your body. So, the next time you’re looking for a wholesome and delicious snack, consider giving Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn a try. Your taste buds and your well-being will thank you!

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    9 Healthy Living Habits That Save You Money

    Whether you’re a working professional with ample disposable income or a college student on a limited budget, a healthy lifestyle can be affordable and accessible. Today, Herbal Green Popcorn outlines nine healthy habits that can boost your wellness and leave extra money in your bank account.

    1. Bike or Walk to Work

    Depending on where you live, you may be able to walk or bike to many locations and save hundreds of dollars per year on gas while burning tons of calories. For longer distances, take public transportation and walk or bike to your stop or station. When you do have to drive, park further away to squeeze in an extra walk from your car to your destination.

    2. Cook Meals at Home

    Dining out costs more than you may realize. Money Under 30 reports a recent study that the average American household spends around $3,000 dining out every year. Homemade meals cost a fraction of this and they typically contain more wholesome ingredients. Preparing meals yourself gives you greater control over the quantity and quality of what you consume. If you’re not particularly skilled in the kitchen, start with one or two easy meal recipes made with few ingredients. After some time, you’ll start to notice your food expenses decrease.

    3. Stick to a Grocery List

    Stay within your grocery budget limits by using a shopping list. Check your local stores for weekly deals and coupons. Start with simple menu planning, verify what ingredients you already have, and add the rest to your list. Be sure that you’re including Herbal Green Popcorn superfood!

    To save even more, purchase non-perishable goods in bulk. Shop for fruits and vegetables when they’re in season and available at their lowest price. Local farmers markets are great places to find your produce, so look for some in your area. Plus, you’ll be supporting local entrepreneurs, too!

    4. Cultivate a Green Thumb

    Growing your own food gives continuous access to fresh, nutritious ingredients at a minimal cost. In addition, gardening provides mental health benefits such as increased resilience and improved mood. Beginner gardeners can start with plants like tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries, which are some of the easiest foods to grow.

    5. Drink More Water

    Health experts commonly recommend drinking eight glasses daily, but this varies based on activity level, weight, and sex. Regardless, staying hydrated is crucial to your body’s ability to function.

    Because caffeine has diuretic properties, you should be mindful of how much you’re consuming on a daily basis. If you like espresso drinks, you may be surprised to learn that blonde espresso is more caffeinated than traditional espresso. Try switching to traditional espresso drinks and see if it improves your hydration.

    6. Get Enough Sleep

    Eight also represents the hours of sleep the average adult needs. The quality of your sleep is just as crucial. Get restful sleep by powering down devices well before bedtime. Adjust light, sound, and temperature to optimal levels. Keep consistent bedtimes and wake-up times.

    7. Exercise Anywhere But the Gym

    Instead of a pricey gym membership, use your surroundings to engage in physical activity. Exercises like planks and sit-ups can be done anywhere. Nature, with its trails, boulders, and fallen logs, is an ideal setting for a workout. If you’re exercising at home, you’ll want to keep your floors free of dirt, dust, and pet fur. A stick vacuum is an easy way to stay on top of your cleaning, and you can find great deals if you read through online reviews.

    8. Enjoy Free Entertainment

    Many towns sponsor complimentary activities such as outdoor movie nights and music festivals. See what your town offers or create your own fun!

    9. Share Your Passion for Wellness (and Start a Business)

    You can build a side gig or a whole new career based on your commitment to healthy living. Become a nutrition consultant or a personal trainer. Earn money online by writing an affiliate marketing blog. Choose a path that capitalizes on your interests and skill set.

    Utilize free web resources that can guide you through the process of launching a successful business. Online classes can walk you through the basics from business plans to financials. And there are dozens of great tools to help with your marketing, from websites to social media. For instance, if you’d like to put out brochures to spread the word about your business, give this tool a look and take advantage of all the free, customizable templates. It’s easier than ever to make useful promotional materials for your business.

    Live Your Budget-Conscious Life

    Developing healthy, money-saving habits now can sustain your health and finances in the future. Focus on gradual changes, building one habit at a time. Who knows, you may even be able to monetize your new healthy habits and start a business! Whatever combination of things you choose, stick with it. You’ll be surprised how good you feel and how much money you save.

    For delicious low-calorie, nutrition-packed snacks, shop Herbal Green Popcorn today!

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    Shop Green Popcorn

    This delightful snack not only satisfies your taste buds but also supports your well-being. Here are some key benefits of buying herbal green popcorn:

    1. Delightful Taste: Herbal green popcorn offers a delightful combination of natural herbs and spices, which infuse each fluffy kernel with a burst of flavor. Whether you choose basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, or a blend of herbs, the result is a savory and aromatic treat that enhances the enjoyment of popcorn.
    2. Antioxidant-Rich Herbs: Many herbs used in herbal green popcorn are known for their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help combat free radicals in the body, which contribute to cell damage and aging. By incorporating these herbs into your snacking routine, you can potentially benefit from their protective effects on your health.
    3. Nutrient-Packed Snacking: Popcorn itself is a whole grain, providing dietary fiber and essential nutrients. When combined with herbal seasonings, the nutritional value of herbal green popcorn increases even further. The herbs used in the seasoning can offer additional vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that support overall well-being.
    4. Digestive Support: Certain herbs used in herbal green popcorn, such as basil and thyme, have been traditionally associated with digestive health benefits. They may aid in digestion, reduce bloating, and soothe the stomach. Enjoying herbal green popcorn can be a tasty way to incorporate these digestive-friendly herbs into your diet.
    5. Versatile and Customizable: Herbal green popcorn allows for versatility and customization. You can experiment with different herb combinations, adjust the seasoning to your taste preferences, and even explore adding other flavorful ingredients such as nutritional yeast or spices. This versatility ensures that you can enjoy a snack tailored to your individual palate.
    6. Guilt-Free Snacking: Herbal green popcorn offers a healthier alternative to many conventional snack options. It is typically prepared using natural herbs, without the need for artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. By choosing herbal green popcorn, you can indulge in a delicious snack while avoiding unnecessary additives and enjoying a guilt-free snacking experience.

    In conclusion, herbal green popcorn combines the deliciousness of popcorn with the benefits of natural herbs.

    With its unique flavors, antioxidant-rich properties, and potential digestive support, this snack offers a nutritious and satisfying option for those seeking a healthier snacking choice.

    Treat yourself to the delightful taste and enticing aroma of herbal green popcorn, and enjoy the benefits it brings to both your taste buds and your well-being.

    Ingredients: organic nutritional yeast, curry, organic turmeric, sweet basil, onion, garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper, organic spirulina, organic sunflower oil, organic lime and other herbs and spices

  • variety pack cheddar popcorn
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  smartfood popcorn,  whole grain

    Two Delectable Flavors and a Dozen Nutrient-Rich Snacks.

    Choosing healthier snack options can enhance your nutrient intake, aid in appetite control, and boost your energy levels. By including nutrient-rich snacks between meals, you can elevate your concentration, focus, and overall performance.

    Selecting appropriate snacks plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Frequently, we move through the day consuming food without experiencing a sense of contentment. Now is the moment to exchange those bland, unhealthy, and nutritionally devoid calories for something that communicates your genuine concern for your body.

    Satisfy your snack desires with Azzizah’s Vegan Herbal Green Popcorn assortment, and enjoy the goodness of both gourmet flavors, Original Savory Cheddar and Smoked Cheddar & Lime Popcorn.

    The Smoked Cheddar and Lime popcorn is sure to tantalize your taste buds, while our Original Savory Cheddar popcorn provides a fulfilling snacking experience. Both of these flavors are crafted with the utmost care, using top-tier ingredients to guarantee you savor the finest in both flavor and nutrients.

    Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn Variety Pack (Pack of 12)

    • Includes (6) 1.4-ounce bags of Original Savory Cheddar and (6) 1.4-ounce bags of Smoked Cheddar & Lime Popcorn.
    • 100% Whole Grain, Organic and Air Popped Popcorn.
    • No artificial colors, no fake cheese powders, flavors or preservatives.
    • Not a single kernel popped until you place your order.


    • Original Savory Cheddar (1.4 oz, 5 oz, 8 oz.)

    • Smoked Cheddar & Lime (1.4 oz, 5 oz, 8 oz.)

    Infuse your snack collection with a touch of love. These conveniently sized bags are perfect for school lunches, soccer games, pool parties, and more. Swap the red-stained fingers from the dye in conventional chips for green-stained fingers from a natural superfood for a healthier, nutrient-rich snack experience.

  • bowl of cheddar popcorn
    Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  popcorn seasoning,  smartfood popcorn,  whole grain

    Smoked Cheddar & Lime

    “Elevate Your Snacking Game with Smoked Cheddar & Lime Popcorn”

    If you thought you knew popcorn, think again! Say hello to the new snack sensation in town: Smoked Cheddar & Lime popcorn. This gourmet masterpiece takes the familiar Smartfood popcorn you find in grocery stores and elevates it to a whole new level.

    Perfectly and Generously Coated:

    One bite, and you’ll be hooked. This popcorn is perfectly and generously coated, ensuring every kernel is packed with flavor. It maintains the classic appeal of nicely popped and seasoned popcorn, making it an ideal choice for holiday gatherings, movie nights, or any special occasion.

    The Vegan Cheddar Twist:

    What truly sets this popcorn apart is its vegan cheddar coating. Not only is it on-trend, but it also promises a unique and spicy flavor experience that has captivated snack enthusiasts far and wide. The combination of smoky cheddar and zesty lime creates a flavor explosion that’s nothing short of addictive.

    More Delicious Varieties:

    But the goodness doesn’t stop at Smoked Cheddar & Lime. This specialty popcorn brand offers a range of delicious varieties to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re in the mood for the original Savory Cheddar or craving something bold and adventurous, they’ve got you covered.

    Quality That Earns Top Marks:

    Their commitment to quality is more than just a promise; it’s a guarantee. It’s no wonder they’ve earned a top ranking at Romance University, a testament to their dedication to providing exceptional popcorn for those who appreciate gourmet flavors and popcorn with a twist.

    So, the next time you’re looking for a snack that’s a cut above the rest, reach for Smoked Cheddar & Lime popcorn. Elevate your snacking game with every handful, and let your taste buds dance to the beat of this unforgettable flavor fusion. It’s popcorn, but not as you know it.

  • Amazon,  Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  movie,  Organic,  popcorn,  whole grain

    Why herbal green popcorn? Your choice of snack determines your health and lifestyle.

    Sure, savory processed foods can appeal to your taste buds, which is why people chose to consume them in the first place.

    However, such foods are harmful to our health.

    On the other hand, Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn gives your favorite snack a healthy edge without compromising on taste and quality.

    Our new fusion of four herbal green popcorn packs in different sizes. Pick the 8oz bag when watching a movie with your family.

    The 5-oz is the ideal choice when you’re traveling on the road. If random food cravings trouble you, munch on one or both of our 1-oz popcorn bags- available with the ‘Thick as Family Pack’.

    Here’s what Woke Up & Made has to say about Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn:

    “You may not already know how much you’re missing spirulina dusted popcorn in your life but trust me, you will want to buy large shipments of this stuff.

    The owner, Azzizah, started the company while she was nursing her newborn and toddler and wanted a healthy alternative to cheese popcorn.

    I had discovered Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn while standing in line at Erewhon in Fairfax a few years ago.

    Mesmerized by their colorful branding and bright green popcorn, I decided to try it. It tasted amazing — like cheese popcorn but with a kick of garlic and cayenne along with nutritional yeast.

    Specialty Popcorn Flavors: Original Savory Cheddar and Smoked Cheddar & Lime.