Herbal Green Popcorn

Voyage Savannah Community Highlights: Meet Azzizah Rahim of Herbal Green Popcorn

Today we’d like to introduce you to Azzizah Rahim founder & CEO of Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers.

To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?

I was honestly hungry, and the kids needed a quick and tasty snack. I’m not the kind of mother who feeds her children preservative-laden foods, so I used the staples in my kitchen cabinet.

The idea to add spirulina came because it was colorful, which the children liked; and it allowed me to sneak in a high-nutrition superfood without them ever knowing.

I started Azzizah’s out of necessity while living in a food desert in Los Angeles without many healthy snack options.

At the time I lived in a communal living space for musicians, and we often had lots of visitors.

Everyone who tasted it loved it. We sold our tasty snacks at festivals in Los Angeles, mainly in Leimert Park where we operated a storefront on Leimert Boulevard.

Herbal Green Popcorn launched in health food stores in the spring of 2014 and was the #2 bestselling grocery product at Erewhon Market in the first year of launching.

You can find Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn on their website www.herbalgreenpopcorn.com as well as Amazon.com.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?

There will always be peaks and valleys and I have considered throwing in the towel countless times.

But when you know in your heart that something is ‘for you’ then you tend to have the strength to get up and keep going even during the difficult times.

Surrounding myself with people who remind me of who I am and what I’ve come to do really helps in boosting the morale and putting a little pep in my step.

Becoming well versed in every aspect of the business has been a challenge for me in the past.

Until I developed a different perspective of, ‘although I am a business owner, I am also a student.

I was overwhelmed with the workload. Business owners wear many hats and knowing when to hire someone else for the job is paramount to business success.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn?

Yes, you’ve seen our superfood popcorn in paparazzi photos, a celebrity cult-favorite popcorn filled with spirulina, green herbal goodness!

Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn is a spirulina-based green popcorn combined with herbs and spices to give it that kick you love.

Spirulina is one of the world’s greatest superfoods. A blue-green algae that provide protein, B-vitamins and iron. Used as a natural energizer, digestive and detoxifier.

Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn gives you all the vital minerals needed in a day.

Our new stand-up pouch bags will ensure freshness, but I assure you, you won’t be saving any of this delightful treat!

Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn, A spin-off of a dairy-based cheese popcorn, by using deactivated Nutritional yeast to give it that cheese flavor you desire, instead Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn, made with spirulina, created with love!

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?

No one likes to take a hit but never abandon ship when obstacles arise.

Take a moment to reflect, take care of yourself first and then keep going.

But, always put yourself first because without you at your best you can’t deliver the best.

Strive for optimal instead of maximum performance maintaining the integrity of your brand at all times.

Read this article at Voyage Savannah Community Highlights.

Another related article: Meet the Creator of the Greenest Gourmet Popcorn You Will Ever Eat!