Cheesy Superfood Popcorn,  gluten free,  green popcorn,  healthy,  Herbal Green Popcorn,  Organic

Top Tips for Entrepreneur Self-Care

As an entrepreneur, the round-the-clock work instinct is likely second nature to you. While a strong work ethic is necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur, avoiding self-care can lead to reduced productivity or even burnout. Consider these tips from Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn for how to incorporate self-care into your workweek.

Does Self-Care Translate to Increased Productivity?

Taking time for yourself can have a direct impact on your business. Stepping away can clear away any mental cobwebs, allowing you to think more clearly. Doing so also stimulates the right brain, where the messy process involved in creativity happens. And with creativity come new ideas, new insights, and new perspectives you can then funnel into your business.

Find Ways to Relax

Relaxation doesn’t just help alleviate mental health conditions. It helps lower your blood pressure and heart rate. It plays a role in minimizing muscle tension and even chronic pain. Some of the more popular forms of relaxation include:

  • Meditation
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga
  • Art or music therapy

Make Movement a Daily Activity

While taking time to go to the gym or working out at home can definitely be ways to care for yourself, daily movement doesn’t have to be that targeted to be beneficial. One longitudinal study found that women who included just one hour a day of non-sedentary activity (read: chasing toddlers or errand-running counts) correlated to a 26% reduced risk of heart disease. 

You can also easily track your activity progress thanks to a wide array of tracking devices

Eat Well

As Virginia Woolf so famously said, “One cannot think well … if one has not dined well.” Eating foods that nourish your body, as well as your soul, takes more intention and time, but the effort is worth it, as science proves. Studies have shown that those who eat more portions of fruits and vegetables are not only happier but more engaged and creative at work. 

Snack Smart

And if, like so many entrepreneurs, you don’t have time for prepping lots of veggies or fruits, you’ll find great snack options. More and more snacks today are made with fruits and vegetables, such as Azzizah’s Herbal Green Popcorn, which is made with spirulina, basil, onion, and turmeric.    

Outsource Some Aspects of Your Business

One significant way to reduce your workload so you have the time for self-care is to outsource. For instance, maybe it’s time to hire an administrative assistant who can take care of some of your clerical and organizational tasks. Maybe you’ve grown to the point that it makes sense to engage recruiting services to help you find employees. From a receptionist to a marketing manager, there are a variety of positions you can hand the baton over to so you can focus your energy and attention elsewhere. 

Have You Formed an LLC Yet?

A limited liability company, or LLC, is a smart choice for nearly all small businesses. It limits personal liability so any business debts are limited to the assets of the business. While costs vary, an LLC is generally a very affordable and easy way to protect your personal assets and provide you with tax benefits. To process your LLC operating agreement, Georgia allows the use of a formation service for efficiency.

Self-Care as a Lifestyle

By incorporating these tips, you can more easily make time for self-care. Doing so not only helps you prosper but can help your business succeed as well.